Wednesday, August 11, 2021

FOOL ME TWICE by Lizzie Morton



FOOL ME TWICE by Lizzie Morton is LIVE!


Free in KU

If you hated me and if you hated my story… good.
Becket is my mask.
One I’ve kept firmly in place and with good reason. Only one person saw a glimmer of the real me, and she reminded me why we build walls: to keep things out.
The night we met was a farce, a real-life version of The Hangover and all thanks to her. But now, I’m determined to bulldoze my way into her life like she did mine.
It’s time she learnt a lesson; you should never judge a book by its cover. And my story is more complicated than she could ever imagine.

Our romance was a plane crash. A disaster. It ended as quickly as it began.
I thought I'd meet my dream guy one day. The one that would sweep me off my feet, whispering sweet nothings in my ear while I ran my hands over his beautiful, chiselled body.
Instead, Michael Becket, the biggest douchebag in the NFL, is the one who's firmly imprinted himself in my mind.
I'm learning not everyone we fall for is Prince Charming. People have flaws, people have secrets, and I shouted his out for the world to hear. And now ... he's determined to find out mine.

#newrelease #needtoreaditnow #readyourheartout #wildfiremarketingsolutions

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