Saturday, July 17, 2021

Keeping Hope by Alexandria Redding

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Keeping Hope
By Alexandria Redding


Littleford Fowl, Book 1

After an unstable childhood, Jensen Malone's hard work is paying off: he’s picked up as a temporary goalie for the Littleford Fowl, brought in to cover for a player who's out for the season with an injury, and he’s been accepted at the community college. Hockey is his first love, but he needs to stay true to his dream of being a firefighter to guarantee he’ll never be homeless again. Now that he has the chance to pursue both, nothing can stop this fiercely independent transplant from Chicago. One little problem: he's gay, completely unwilling to stay in the closet, and hockey's not the most inclusive sport.

Lawrence Paisey's a defenseman for the Littleford Fowl and he's got the brooding new goalie in his sights. The guy's excellent in goal and has a love of hockey to rival Law's own. Together they could whip the team into shape. Despite his studies and hockey, Law can’t stop fantasizing about Jensen. One little problem: Law needs to win Jensen’s trust to make his dreams come true.

Join Law and Jensen for a hockey-heavy exploration of college, friendship, and one another. HEA guaranteed.

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Special Release Excerpt:

They weaved through the crowded room, finally finding a table against a wall. Law slid into the seat closest to the wall and Jensen sat across from him, almost immediately picking up the salt shaker and shuffling it across the slick surface of the table between his hands. It made Law smile, and he leaned forward, resting on his forearms. "It's like we're kids on our first date or something. I feel all giddy."

Jensen squinted at him and leaned forward. "Huh?"

Law tried again, clearing his throat and speaking a tiny bit louder, not wanting to yell across the table. "I said it's like we're—"

Jensen got up and moved to sit next to Law, plopping down and retrieving his salt shaker to resume what he'd been doing, peering at Law as he did. "Couldn't hear you over the noise in here. What?"

"Uh..." Law hesitated and then made the best of it. "I said it's like we're kids on our first date. I feel sort of giddy, and you're over here talking about dΓ©cor, and no one knows what we should talk about or what to do with our hands, and yeah... I feel like I'm thirteen again."

Jensen pursed his lips and then shook his head a little, pushing the salt shaker away. "Same. I have no idea what to do with myself. It's stupid."

Law shifted in his seat, pinning Jensen with his most intense gaze. "If no one else were here, what would we be talking about?"

"Dangerous territory, dude."

"Ohhh-ho-ho!" Law grinned at him and sat back, stretching, unable to resist preening a little after that comment. Jensen stared at him like he was something absolutely delicious, and it felt damn good to be looked at like that. Leaning forward again, he gave Jensen his best sensual look. "Hold that thought for later."

"You think I could possibly forget it?"

"So you do want me, then?"

"Pretty sure we established that already, but if it strokes your ego, yeah, I do."

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Keeping Hope, Alexandria is giving away a $20 Etsy Voucher!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:


I've been writing fiction for over sixteen years and technical pieces even longer than that. I began my adventure into fiction within the world of fanfiction and have longed for years to make something I could spill out into the world as fully my own.

While I've written other short pieces, I truly wanted one work that I could call a full novel. I've put my entire self into writing this book and spent the better part of a year honing it into the novel I've presented here.

This book is a culmination of a dream for me, and I can only hope it touches someone the same way it touched me while I wrote it.

To anyone aspiring to write, I tell you do it. To anyone thinking you can't, you can.

I suppose you came to this section looking for something more about me though, didn't you? Well, here's what I can tell you. I'm married to my high school sweetheart. We have two cats, a dog, and a turtle that somehow became ours over the past few years. I love animals, nature, reading, writing, and photography. Quite clearly, I also enjoy the hell out of hockey.

By trade, I'm an engineer who is presently doing database administration, coding, and reporting in support of the company I spent my late teens and twenties dreaming of working for. By hobby, I still write fanfiction. I love to game: Dungeons & Dragons, board games, video games, you name it.

Photography-wise, I love taking photos of landscapes, animals, and architecture. I enjoy doing macro photography of plants. Once upon a time, I aimed to be a professional photographer under this same name and did multiple photoshoots with local models.

As with most authors, I collect pens, notebooks, books, and everything that inspires me, so my life is a little cluttered, but that's okay.

I end with this… dare to dream, dare to hope, and most of all, dare to be who you truly are.

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