Saturday, July 17, 2021

Can’t Tie Me Down! by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

Can’t Tie Me Down!
Janet Elizabeth Henderson
(Sinclair Sisters, #1)
Publication date: April 22nd 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

There aren’t many jobs available in the tiny village of Arness, Scotland, which is why Mairi Sinclair works online—as a virtual girlfriend. For a weekly fee, she emails, messages and sends photos to desk-bound geeks around the world. Nothing dodgy, mind you, she keeps her clothes on! Mairi loves her job, because the last thing she wants is to be tied down to one man forever. Life is so much simpler when you can keep men at a distance.

And that’s why she’s upset when her virtual boyfriends start turning up in town. Someone has hacked her online presence and given out her real life address. To make matters worse, they’ve told the world that she’s looking for a husband and the first virtual boyfriend to romance her properly will win the role in real life. Mairi needs help to fend off the hordes. She needs help to hide and find out who sold out her details. Fortunately, local mechanic and one time boyfriend, Keir McKenzie, is more than willing to help her—for a price. He too wants a chance to win Mairi’s heart and tie her down forever.

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Because at eight thirty on a Saturday morning, she opened her front door to find Captain Kirk smiling at her—a five-foot-four Pakistani Captain Kirk.

“You are surprised.” He beamed. “This is good.”

Mairi blinked several times, but no, he was still there. “Amir?”

“Who else would it be on this fine Scottish morning?” He tugged at the hem of his gold captain’s uniform.

“Amir? In Scotland? At my house?”

He opened his mouth to say something else, but Mairi needed a minute. She held up her hand. “Just a sec.” And shut the door.

“Who was that?” One of Mairi’s three older sisters, Agnes, was dressed for a shift working reception at a hotel in Campbeltown. She wore a navy pantsuit, black heels and a crisp white shirt. Her golden blonde hair was in a neat French knot, and her makeup was minimal. She looked every inch the hotel manager she aspired to be, and no doubt would be, once she’d passed her final exams. “Mairi, pay attention. Who’s at the door?”

“Amir.” Mairi wondered if more coffee would help her brain cope with finding one of her online boyfriends on her doorstep.

“Amir who?” Agnes headed for the kitchen alcove in their living area.

“He’s an online boyfriend.”

Agnes stopped dead and turned slowly toward her. “One of your geeks is here? In person?”

Mairi nodded.

“How does he know your address? I thought the agency you work with said those details would never get out. I thought all those guys were supposed to stay firmly online.”

“Yeah.” There was nothing else to say.

Author Bio:

Janet is a Scot who moved to New Zealand fifteen years ago. Among other things, she’s been an artist, a teacher, a security guard at a castle, a magazine editor, and a cleaner in a drop in center for drug addicts (NOT the best job!). She now writes full-time and is working on her 19th book. Her books have won several awards, including the Daphne du Maurier award for excellence in mystery and suspense. When she isn’t living in her head, she raises two kids, one husband, and several random animals. She survives on chocolate and caffeine.

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