Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Falling for the Rockstar by ML Preston




Falling for the Rockstar by ML Preston is coming July 13th!


#PreOrder your copy today:



Arrogant. Delinquent. Hot as sin.


All words that describe Simon Ashton, lead singer and major pain in the ass. His talent is out of this world—hints the arrogance. But if he doesn't clean up his act soon, he may find himself reliving the glory days from the discomfort of an empty mansion.


That's where I come in. Myka Johnson, PR rep to some of the industries hottest artist. I get results and make a lot of money doing it. So when Meteor Records hired me to work my magic on Osiris's leading man, I jumped at the chance.


There's only one problem—no one told be the job include falling for the Rockstar.


#FallingForTheRockstar #MLPreston #RockstarRomance #EnemiesToLovers #BWWM #SteamyRomance #ComingSoon


Hosted by The Hatters Author Services

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