Thursday, June 17, 2021

Center Court by Brooke Edwards


Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Center Court
By Brooke Edwards

Book 1

Order of Play, Book 1

The world of men’s professional tennis has been ruled by the same six men for more than a decade. There have been a handful of shock upsets and victories snatched by underdogs, but they’re few and far between. Now, the next generation are done being denied and have come knocking.

When the time comes, Soren Norgaard knows that the world expects him to lead the charge and take his place at the top of his sport. He’s focused and lethal on the court, until he isn’t. Sometimes the past, no matter how comfortable and familiar, doesn’t fit anymore and needs to be left behind. Soren’s past doesn’t want to let him go, but his future is coming fast whether he’s ready or not.

Elias EngstrΓΆm has been in love with Soren for as long as he has known him. The race for titles, for glory and their day in the spotlight has always been less all-consuming because he knows that there is an entire life stretching out when he leaves the court for the last time. A life that, for the first time, might include Soren in the way Elias wants him. Everything he wants is within reach, if Elias is willing to fight for it.

Check out Brooke on Goodreads


Cover Reveal Excerpt:

There had been two seats open for him when he’d returned to the court, and Elias had been torn.

Levi Bauer is by all accounts, including Elias’s, his best friend on the tour. They have known each other for the better part of the last fifteen years. He is a regular fixture in Levi’s box at games, especially finals.

In comparison, he has only known Soren Norgaard the last nine years.

Elias has also been in love with him that entire time.

He ends up in Soren’s box for the last six games and resigns himself to Levi giving him grief for it for the foreseeable future. He can’t even find it in him to dread it, not when Soren turns to the box with his sweat-slick hair sticking up, flushed cheeks, and a beaming smile as the umpire calls, “Six–three, seven–five, Norgaard!”

The only reason Elias makes eye contact with Levi, is that Levi is beside Soren, their arms slung about each other’s shoulders as they lean their heads together. He shrugs one shoulder as Levi raises an eyebrow pointedly, rolling his eyes.

What can he say? He’s always been led by his heart, especially where Soren is concerned.

When he shifts his gaze back to Soren, his bright eyes are waiting and his smile softens into something smaller, more private. Soren has stepped away from Levi’s side to allow him to shake the umpire’s hand first, and Levi is out of Elias’s direct line of sight, which is a relief. He doesn’t need to give the Austrian more ammunition.

Elias’s own smile softens too, and he prays that none of the cameras catch the undoubtedly smitten look on his face as Soren breaks their eye contact to shake the umpire’s hand and move back to his bench. He’s never been able to control it, and it doesn’t matter how many times Levi tries to convince him he has a better poker face than he thinks, he is sure his feelings for Soren are written all over in neon lights.


Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the cover reveal of Center Court by Brooke Edwards, we are giving away a 2 advanced copies of Center Court!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link:

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About the Author:

Brooke Edwards is an Australian LGBTQ+ author and dreamer who got her start in fanfiction, and then started listening to the people in her head and writing up the incident reports afterwards. She's a disaster masquerading as a functional adult, addicted to coffee and hopelessly obsessed with her dog.

Connect with Brooke:
Instagram: @brookeedwardsauthor
Twitter: @brookeedwardsau



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