Wednesday, March 17, 2021

MY FOOLISH HEART by Bella Michaels



MY FOOLISH HEART by Bella Michaels is coming March 31!

“Too early seen unknown, and known too late.” ~Juliet Capulet

Of all the women in the world, or at least in Bridgewater, why did I have to fall for this one?

When she walked into my brother’s wedding reception, I fell quick and hard. Until I learned her name.

Nope. No way. Not for me.

I have no intention of dating my biggest competitor. The new owner of Mama Leoni’s Restaurant is clearly off-limits. But when a local newspaper links us as a couple, my brother suggests we play it up for “good press.”

I agree.

For the sake of my new restaurant.

Not because the mere sight of Evie Fuller sets my blood on fire.

Turns out the only thing more complicated than a fake relationship with my biggest rival is a real one. This situation has gotten out of hand much too quickly.

Time to cool it down or risk getting burned.

Add to your Goodreads TBR list:

#comingsoon #needtoreaditnow #readmoreromance #wildfiremarketingsolutions

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