Thursday, March 18, 2021

Fearless by Kaylene Winter


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Family is everything, I protect mine with my life..

Connor McGloughlin had it all, a great family, a college scholarship and music.  Tragedy forced him to grow up too fast.  When his life finally is on track, Ronni Miller appears like a dream.

Kindred spirits in the most unlikely of circumstances.

There’s only one thing in the way—

Her dark past he’s determined to protect her from.  When your innocence is stolen, trust is a precious gift..  Actress Ronni Miller tasted fame at a young age.

But her path to stardom was riddled with tragedy.

She never imagined falling for Connor McGloughlin, a rogue, Irish rock star.  The thing is? Ronni’s got revenge on her mind.  Regardless of the risk or the consequences—

Or losing the one thing in her life that makes her feel alive.

  Connor has only ever asked Ronni for one thing: her heart.   But when her bravery is couched in lies?  She risks losing the man who would do anything for her.  Will she realize being fearless means trusting true love?


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Kaylene Winter wrote her first Rock Star Romance novel at age 15 starring a fictionalized version of herself, her friends and their gorgeous rocker boyfriends. After living her own rockstar life as a band manager, music promoter and mover and shaker in Seattle during the early 1990's, Kaylene became a digital media legal strategist helping bring movies, television and music online. Throughout her busy career, Kaylene lost herself in romance novels across all genres inspiring her to realize her life-long dream to write creatively.

She lives in Seattle with her amazing husband and Siberian Husky. She loves to travel, throw dinner parties and support charitable causes supporting arts and animals.


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