Friday, March 19, 2021

Barb Shuler - Sacrifice

Title: Sacrifice
Series: The Oblivion Series #4
Author: Barb Shuler
Genre: Paranormal Romance

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In the Dawn of Days, we were born; created to guide, inspire and protect all that is good and pure in the universe.

Over the millennium we’ve changed, evolved, our powers growing with each new threat that has arisen before us. The duties required of me and my brethren are to stand guard over the world while still maintaining distance, and to fight the forces of darkness that threaten the peace of our father’s creation.

Now, here we stand, battle ready with swords drawn, ready to protect those that are meant to bring peace to all. We are the last line of defense between good and evil.

We are the bringers of light. We are the Guardians of Angelicus.





Barb is a Carolina girl by right and a Texan by birth. By day she’s a desk jockey for a rural transportation company and a book lover, reading through as many books as she can. At night, though, she turns into her alter ego: a writer—cape optional, depending on her mood. 

Her stories are a mix of real-life events, personal experiences, and the craziness of her own imagination and those of her best friends. And when their imaginations blend together, it can be crazy. Barb writes in multiple genres, encounters new adventures, creates new worlds, and has a fantastic time breathing life into new stories, creating something she hopes inspires anyone who reads to fall in love with them as she has.

Barb lives by one little rule: tomorrow is never guaranteed, so make sure you live each day to its fullest.


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