Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Broken Beginnings


Broken Beginnings by J.L Beck and C. Hallman is releasing February 19, 2021!

Pre-order your copy today on Amazon!

US: https://amzn.to/3fghpRd

WW: http://mybook.to/brokenbeg

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2KuVF8Z


When I was a little girl I thought the world of him. Then he showed the dark monster lurking beneath. 

For years I've watched her.
Stalked her.
Followed her. 

At first it was about protecting her. Keeping her safe, and out of harm's way. 

Then it became a full blown obsession. 

I vowed to never to touch her again, to protect her from everyone, including myself. 

When enemies lurking in the shadows threaten to take all that away I know I'll do anything to keep my butterfly safe.... even betray the only family I've ever known. 

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